Eagle's Wings Puppies
"You have seen what I (Jehovah) did.....and how I bore you on eagles' wings and brought you to Myself." Exodus 19:4
F1b Mini-Goldendoodles
Have Arrived!!!
Born February 13th on the eve of
💘Valentine's Day💘
Ready to go April 12th !!!
Bravely and Rusty
are the proud parents of 4 girls and 3 boys
Now Accepting Deposits
Looking for an adorable and mature male miniature poodle?
Look no further!!
Drop down menu:
"New Homes for Retirees"
~Solomon is your gentleman~
For more info or further questions, please reach out--call/text: 717.823.0307 or by email 744puppylove@gmail.com
You may also fill out our contact form at the bottom of the page!
❤️ We'd love to make a puppy-love match for you! ❤️
A Little Bit About Us
A little about us is that homeschooling and a taste of country life has been prevalent through our family's growing years here in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Over the years, with four children (now ages 20,18,15, &10), we've loved horses, a pony, puppies, dogs, goats, chickens, cats, a squirrel, bunnies, turtles, frogs, and fish! We sit on just under 3 acres with plenty of room for recreation and exploration of interests.
In the beginning, the super intelligent and friendly designer-mix breed of the Cockapoo was the focus. A few years later, the adorable, fluffy, teddy bear-like Goldendoodles were brought in because both are the ultimate family dog! The Cockapoos we chose to breed finished out on the smaller size as the mothers were already First Generation Cockapoos. The pups usually finished out anywhere from 9 lbs. to 18 lbs. full grown. Cockapoos are a mix of a Cocker Spaniel with a Poodle, we used the mini poodle. The Cocker Spaniel side of the mix brings family friendly adorableness and the Poodle brings the energy and the brains! They are a very family friendly, smart dog with very few health issues that can arise. They are low to no shedding. The Cockapoo will usually find its person and become very close to them while remaining very friendly to everyone else, as well! Their size also contributes to making them the perfect indoor/house dog in my opinion.
Our Goldendoodles finish out anywhere from around the 25-50 lbs. size. The first mother we had was Jewel, an English Cream Golden Retriever (English meaning she has genuine European bloodlines and Cream meaning her coat is a beautiful creamy white color instead of the golden yellow coloring). Jewel is now retired. Her daughter Bravely was whelped in 2020, and is an F1 mini Goldendoodle, who is my current Goldendoodle momma. Jewel also recently whelped a beautiful litter of English Cream Golden Retrievers from which we kept our new AKC registered retriever girl, Tanzy. We look forward to having some excellent pups in the future from her great stock. We use an AKC registered mini sized poodle for the stud. The Goldendoodle is also low to minimal shedding. Goldendoodles look like a real life teddy bear with their wavy fur and adorable faces. The Retriever is a very loyal and lovable dog and that shines through in the Goldendoodle, as well. AND they will retrieve everything--they love to play fetch!!! You have the energy and the brains of the Poodle contributing here, also. They are a super family dog with great energy for outdoor adventures, hiking, etc., but still small enough to enjoy indoors without creating a raucous!
My daughter Abigail is a true dog lover, and she has taken on breeding tri-colored, AKC registered Pembroke Welsh Corgis. She handpicked, personally trained (attained first in class!), and has recently whelped her second litter with her adorable and spunky sidekick, Jasmine! And what is not to love about the Corgi??? Why that cute little Corgi butt, such attentive eyes and the loyal love they have for their owner won me over! Jasmine is very smart, super adventurous, and loves to have your undivided attention to snuggle into on the couch!
Because Corgis are so much fun, my son, Sterling decided to double the Corgi trouble by adopting his sweet red and white, AKC registered Pembroke Welsh Corgi, Sage. She's been such a delightful addition and makes a great little sister for Jasmine. 💗 She will be ready to take on the role of momma coming in 2025.
Thank you for stopping by!!!